Guiding the Future of Transportation


Courses brought to you by the
Compliance Management Institute
and Hosted at KPS & Associates.
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To sign up for CMI courses please download the Registration Form (PDF) and the Course Schedule (PDF). Fill out the registration form with the course numbers of the course(s) you'd like to attend.
CMI Courses Currently Being Offered

Canada Labour Code Fundamentals - Syllabus

To provide participants with the knowledge needed to establish and maintain affective Health and Safety Procedures.

Transportation Office Administration - Syllabus

Provide legislative requirements and guidelines that would enable the carrier to implement and operate a compliant program.

Principles of Transportation Safety Management - Syllabus

Create a Road Compliance Manual reflective of company specific requirements structured by legislative and regulatory requirements to be assembled in class.

Methods of Instructing - Syllabus

To provide knowledge and skill set to adequtely process NSC courses to a fresh audience.

NSC Driver Fundamentals Alberta - Syllabus

To provide the participant with the knowledge needed to maintain compliance with the National Safety Code.

Log Book Auditing - Syllabus

To prepare the participant to audit drivers' daily logs, ensuring that the drivers under the participant's supervision are operating within the Federal and Provincial legislation.

To provide the participant with the knowledge to apply the relevant legislation and ensure the complete compliance within the participant's organization.

The National Safety Code as Applied in Alberta - Syllabus

To provide the participant with the knowledge needed to create, maintain and execute a NSC compliant safety program.

CVSA Vehicle Inspection - Syllabus

Learn to manage your carrier Out Of Service rate. Identify problem areas on your Carrier Profile. Be able to pass the CVSA Road Side Inspections. Ensure that Drivers Daily Vehicle Inspections are being conducted and documented properly.

Load Securement - Train the Trainer - Syllabus


Please contact KPS & Associates Inc. for further information and registration form
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